Extensions are great when you want some additional functionalities to your system. Using them you can easily add-on new features without much hustle. Extensions are like these small programs which can be added as plugins to enhance something. In this case our Gnome desktop environment for Linux. So in this quick guide, we present you, Best 5 Gnome extensions you must have.
The Gnome desktop environment is very stable and user-friendly. It supports touch screen, has needed default programs, an SDK if you are a developer and of course extensions.
Therefore, we are going to check out the best 5 extensions that you must-have for a better Gnome experience in Linux. Let the count begin now!
Heads Up: This guide is only if your Linux distribution uses the Gnome desktop environment. Most of the famous distros use it nowadays. You also need to set up your system and browser in order to install the extensions. Check out this easy guide for that: How to install extensions in Gnome.
5. Clipboard Indicator For Gnome

Clipboard indicator is a clipboard manager extension for Gnome. On adding this extension, it is added to the top panel from when you can use it.
It takes care of the clipboard history. You can easily choose from different clips that you have copied before so this saves your time.
Clipboard indicator has many features that are very handy:
- Search Option
- Clear history
- Limit history size
- Has a private mode
- Easily modify & delete copied clips
- Quck shortcuts to past diffrent copied entries
You can install the extension using the link given below.
4. Openweather
The name of this extension is self-explanatory. Openweather displays weather information using the data from openweathermap.org and darksky.net. The extension is built pretty well and always provides the correct and comprehensive information such as temperature humidity, cloudiness, wind speed, and pressure. It also shows the upcoming forecasts.
You can also set up more than one places and it provides easy to choose options from the top bar.
Openweather provides the following features:
- Up coming forecast
- Layout customization
- Multiple locations set up
- Comprehensive weather information
- Complete control on displaying data

Directly install the extension using the below link.
3. Netspeed
Netspeed is a really handy extension as it displays the internet speed right in the top panel. So when you need the details regarding the downloading and uploading speed, this one helps a lot. You don’t have to use any other tool for that purpose.

The extension is very basic and simple. It only consists of network devices. You can quickly download the extension using this link below.
2. User Themes
So you want your Linux distro to look different then User themes is an extension that you must have. It allows you to import the shell themes from the user’s directory. By default this option for choosing shell is disabled. With this extension, you can easily enable & choose different shell themes right from the Gnome Tweak Tool.
See the screenshot below for below.

1. Dash To Dock
If you don’t like the default dash of Gnome which looks boring and you even could not move it to different sides of the screen. But now they have few options in the settings though.
This one helps you to make the Dock (New name for dash) custom. It transforms it and makes it faster. Literally, You can customize every aspect of Dock with it.
Customizations available to the extension:
- Dock size limit
- Change Icon size
- Intelligent autohide
- Customize it’s behavior
- Change position on screen
- Use custom styling for Dash
- And many more other options

Download the extension using the link below:
This is my first to go list for Gnome extension. You may like some other extensions. So let me know, what are the extensions that are not included in this list you like. You can also subscribe to out Youtube channel. Till then enjoy Linux.