A quick guide on how to enable Compiz wobbly window effect in Ubuntu 20.04 Focal fossa.

Gnome is one of the most popular desktop environment. This why Ubuntu dropped its iconic Unity desktop environment and now it uses Gnome as its default. Gnome has many rich features and one of them allows you to install extensions to enhance desktop environment functionality. I will be using one such extension to enable the famous wobbly window effect in my Linux distribution.

For the demonstration, I am using the latest Ubuntu 20.04 but you are free to use any distribution as long as it is using Gnome desktop as it’s the environment.

Pre-setup for wobbly effect

Before proceeding further with the guide, you must enable extensions support in your Linux distribution. For that please check out this guide on how to do that.

Extension setup guide: How to install extensions in Gnome | 2020

After that you are good to go.

Adding the wobbly effect in Gnome

First of all, visit the Gnome’s extension website and add the wobbly extension to your Linux distribution. Simply click on the below button and it shall take you there.

Compiz wobbly effect extension

Adding and enabling wobbly extension in Gnome

As shown in the above picture, you will see a toggle button. Turn this button to β€œON” and this will install and add this extension to your Gnome desktop environment.

Now, everything is done, just open up anything, and move the window on the screen and you shall see the wobbly animation effect.

Watch Video guide on YouTube

Additionally, You can also watch a step-by-step video guide on YouTube to get a better understanding of it.


So that is how you can add Compiz like wobbly animation effect in the distributions that use the Gnome desktop environment. Let me know what you think about it in the comment section below and don’t forget to subscribe to the LinuxH2O Youtube channel. Till then, keep enjoying Linux.