In Linux, it very common to customize the look and feel of the distribution. This is one of the reasons why there are so many distros out there. Icon packs do something alike. When you change the icons, things on the screen start to look amazing and if you do a few more tweaks then it completely looks mesmerizing. In this article, you will see the best 5 icon packs for your Linux distro. Let the number begin!
5. Shadow icon pack

Shadow is a flat icon-theme pack for Linux distros. The icons are round shaped, colorful and have a long shadow as well. Icons look amazing as the colors are very vibrant and emit a good look.
This icon pack is among the trending icon packs on and comes under the top 10 hit list.
Icons are periodically updated so the designing and development are very active. This is also a reason for its popularity.
You can easily download the Shadow icon pack from the below link.
If you find any icon missing or not themed by the pack then you can raise a request to the author here: Raise icon(s) request
4. Tela Icon Theme

Tela is another beautiful flat colorful designed icon pack for Linux. The icons are bit smaller as compared to other icon packs but look pretty. The shape of icons is non-linear so you will find all kinds of shapes such as circular, squared, rectangular, angular, logo shaped, etc.
The icons come in two variant: Dark and Light. You can choose as per you meet. This pack supports a wide range of desktop environments or I should say almost all. Though, the list is here:
- Gnome (The King)
- Kde Plasma
- Budgie (Not in active development after Ubuntu ditched it.)
- Cinnamon
- Elementary Pantheon (Love of Linux Users)
- Xfce4 (Performance Master) &&
- Mate
You can download the icon pack with this link:
This icon pack is being designed and developed by Vinceliuice. The person seems very enthusiastic about GTK3 themes and Icon packs. If you are totally into the icons then support the project through Paypal: Donate Link
3. Paper icons set

Paper is another modern icon theme that uses bold colors and simple geometric icon shapes. The icon looks pretty good as they follow a design analogy which makes it look uniform even when the shapes are completely different.
It also has a cursor theme included. So you can also style the cursor by choosing Paper. You can download the icons set from below link:
The paper icon pack project is designed and developed by Sam Hewitt. He has also created other projects such as Suru Icon Set & Moka Icon Set. If you like his work then you can buy his coffee. Donate Page
2. Papirus icons pack

Papirus is one of my favorite icon packs. It sounds good, looks great, themes every single icon and gets regularly updated. The icons are material design inspired and all elements in the pack have clear distinction and outlines which makes it look even better. Also, the author says that it has a juicy color tone.
It supports a wide range of desktop environments, also has support for the hardcode-tray script. The pack can be installed using the given link:
Papirus is a community-based project and it gets regular updates. You can also support the project on Paypal and Patreon. Donate with Paypal or Use Patreon page.
1. Numix Circle icons pack for Linux

The Numix circle is by far one of the best icon packs that you can use in Linux. It is a part of the Numix Project. The icons follow a uniform circular design and the colors used are very appealing. The best part of this is that it supports literally every single icon. So you won’t be making that face on seeing the icon when it is not themed. It also blends up with default icons so even Numix has not an icon for something, you are still good to go.
The Numix project also has a Numix Square icon set. So you can easily choose from different shapes of icons. The icon pack can be installed from the Github link below:
Let us know you thought about the best 5 icon packs for Linux in the comment section below. You can also subscribe to our Youtube channel. Will catch you soon in the next one.