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Category : Utility

TLDR – Makes it easier to understand man pages

In this article, you will learn about an amazing tool called TLDR and how to install and use it on→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 12 Sep, 2020

How to get a cool retro looking terminal emulator on Linux

In this guide, you will look into the most popular retro-looking terminal emulator, Cool Retro Term. You will also learn,β†’

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 29 Aug, 2020

How to install PhpMyAdmin on Linux | 2020

In this quick article, you will learn how to install PhpMyAdmin on different Linux distributions. PhpMyAdmin is a free and→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 24 Aug, 2020

Different clipboard managers for Linux | 2021

In this article, you will learn about clipboard managers and what are the different clipboard managers available for Linux. A→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 7 Aug, 2020

How to install AppImageLauncher to integrate AppImage files

In this quick and easy guide, you will learn how to install AppImageLauncher to integrate AppImage files on a Linux→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 26 Jul, 2020

How to use wifi & enable hotspot at the same time

Hello there, this is TakshakSH and you are reading a LinuxH2O article. In this quick and easy guide, you will→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 6 Jul, 2020

How to verify authenticity of downloaded files on Linux

Downloading something from the internet is a regular thing that we all do. We often download files like applications, tools→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 23 Feb, 2020

WoeUSB – make Windows bootable Pendrive on Linux

There are times when we need to make a bootable USB drive and for that, we use applications like Startup→

By β€’ TakshakSH

On β€’ 22 Feb, 2020

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