A quick guide on how to install the Pycharm a Python IDE on Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Manjaro, Arch, Fedora, Mint. It just doesn’t matter which one you may be using, just follow along.

Python is the most popular and versatile programming language. A language of this magnitude deserves an IDE that can satisfy this diverse need of different users. JetBrains, a company that dedicates all its products to programmers and developers. It makes the state of the art IDEs and tools for us. Pycharm is no exception.

Pycharm comes with two varients, Professional (Paid) and Community (Free). Professional edition comes with additional web development support.

Installing Pycharm using Linux bundle file

First we need to download the Pycharm bundle file for Linux. It is available on the official JetBrains website. I have added a direct link below, use it to download it.

downloading pycharm

Download Pycharm

After downloading the bundle file, we can easily extract it then open up a terminal and navigate to the extracted folder and execute the pycharm.sh file.

Running Pycharm setup

This will open up the setup window. Here select the appropriate options and activate the trial (Only for Pycharm professional). The activation window won’t pop up if you choose the community edition of Pycharm.

At this stage the installation has completed, you can start creating your project in Python. To do that simply select the project type as python and name it and you can start coding.

Creating desktop entry for Pycharm

Even we have installed the Pycharm in the system but when you try to search for it in the application menu, we will not see the icon. This is because Pycharm do not create a desktop entry by default so we have to create it.

For this simply click on the setting button at the bottom-left corner of Pycharm project creation window and select β€œCreate Desktop Entry”.

And finally, everything has completed.

For the latest Python version: How to install Python 3.10 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Watch Video guide on YouTube

Additionally, You can also watch a step-by-step video guide on YouTube to get a better understanding of it.



So this is how we can install and setup Pycharm IDE on any Linux distribution. Let me know what you think about it in the comments and subscribe to the LinuxH2O Youtube channel. Till then, keep enjoying Linux.