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Searched for - Gnome

Most essential apps for every Linux user | 2021

When you first install a Linux distro or do a fresh install, you need to install the essential apps for→

By • TakshakSH

On • 12 Dec, 2019

7 Ways to check details about your Linux distro

Linux distributions are very amazing and interesting. We all love using these and some times we do want to know→

By • TakshakSH

On • 5 Sep, 2019

How to record screen and gameplay in Linux

We all are living in the age of videos where everything available in video forms. It can be a guide,→

By • TakshakSH

On • 21 Jul, 2019

Using Kdeconnect to sync Android smartphone in Linux

Smartphones have become a very vital part of our lives. We are dependent on these little hand-held computers and spend→

By • TakshakSH

On • 10 Jul, 2019

Having fun with the terminal using ASCII tools

Linux is awesome and there are no doubts about that. However, miss Terminal has got power. She is so strong→

By • TakshakSH

On • 5 Jul, 2019

New Amazing Themes For Linux Users | 2019

If you are one of those guys who really like to have the desktop look marvelous all the time. Then,→

By • TakshakSH

On • 3 Jul, 2019

Best 5 icon packs for your Linux distro | 2021

In Linux, it very common to customize the look and feel of the distribution. This is one of the reasons→

By • TakshakSH

On • 29 Jun, 2019

Stacer – Linux system optimizer and monitoring tool

Linux distributions are very flexible and featureful. Customization and tweaking both are very common things to the users. Another thing→

By • TakshakSH

On • 28 Jun, 2019

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